
Innovative treatment methods enable caries removal and filling therapy with the greatest possible protection of the hard tissue. Microinstruments that rotate or work with ultrasound are used for this purpose

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But groundbreaking progress has also been made in filling therapy. Just as you are no longer satisfied with the VW Beetle - even though it "runs and runs", so the amalgam filling is no longer up-to-date.

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Plastics, composites, gold or ceramics can serve as filling materials. Many of these materials require complex and costly composite systems or must be manufactured in dental laboratories.

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Which of these materials is the "right" for you depends on the condition of the defective tooth and on your desires for durability and aesthetics. In a personal conversation, I will define the right filling material for you.

Doing the right thing!

Depending on the size of the diseased tooth area and its wishes, plastic, gold or ceramics are used for fillings. Whether a simple form of filling or with ceramic reinforced plastic or an inlay makes sense, we discuss together with our patients.

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For us, your satisfaction counts!

For the treatment of major defects, composite, like all other filling materials, is only partially suitable as a permanent solution, since it cannot resist the chewing forces in the long term. Laboratory-made inlay fillings (inlays) made of gold or ceramic are suitable for this purpose.

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