
If you have never had endodontic treatment or your last treatment was a few years ago, you will have a number of questions. Here you can get an insight into how today's endodontics can successfully obtain a tooth.


You may know it: With severe toothache due to deep tooth decay, root tear, an accident or inflammation of the root tip, one only wants the extraction of the same.

for your

Such a tooth does not always have to be pulled. But maintaining it requires a special effort that places high demands on the dentist's technique and treatment method.

Tooth preservation

It is a matter of effectively cleaning and disinfecting the fine branching in the usually curved roots. This procedure is time-consuming and is often not completely or not taken over at all by the statutory health insurance fund!

Aims of root canal treatment

A root canal treatment carried out according to modern standards is a promising way to preserve root-sick teeth by
- Removal of infected tissue from all root canals
- bacteria-tight filling of the root canals and the
- final supply with a filling or crown.

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Focus on a small specialty of dentistry

In recent years, root canal treatment has developed immensely to the benefit of patients. After all, in many cases it is the best - often last - way to get a tooth.

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